Reverse painting Sunday #workinprogress #watercolour #sketchbook #artist_sharing #leaves

Spring is springing.

Sometimes the little things are so beautiful. #daisy

Very inspired over the weekend by @bbc4radio the exploration of a Japanese Kimono in minute

In the eye of the beholder. There is such delight in the sensation of the

Aligned lines inline or curve.

Love playing on new paper. Small but beautifully formed.

It may look chaotic but you just don’t understand my system.

My studio cat laughs at my jokes. Or at my paintings! Not quite sure which.

The light makes all the difference. #artist_sharing #artwork #sketchbook

This one just about finished. I’m really enjoying the new Derwent Graphik pens.

This is the second of my Christmas giveaways, from my studio, I like to set

Every year to thank, all my friends online, I take some things from my studio

More of my Christmas cards. I may make some of these into wrapping paper designs

I’ve been handpainting Christmas Cards for my nearest and dearest this year. I thought you

Going through an old @moleskine and found this, I guess that was a weird week.

#fillerflowerfever thanks for the inspiration guys

Radiant relaxation- chill

Orca lovely and alive. #relax

Poetry and motion – the work on the easel is alive.

Dreamtime – delighted to find new ways to show what my paintings are like in

Blue ink

Earlier fishing, also #wip


From Lisa_cat Instagram

From Lisa_cat Instagram

From Lisa_cat Instagram

Sketching a fairy for a young friends birthday. #sketch #penandink #fairy #girl

Jean Genet quote

Not entirely sure what it means but I think that is the best kind of quote – one that causes you to think about it over time, to try to understand what the author was getting at.
A rose by any other name

A rose by any other name – would smell of feet :-) again a quote that makes me think about how we define the world, what a strong influence language has on the way we see the world. The Rose is drawn in ink and ball pen.
I survived the blank paper horror from earlier in the week by finding some fab textured stuff to work on. 'Still the trees' #wip #tree #carandache

Check out this new image from my Instagram Posted by Instagrate to WordPress
Instagram Image

It’s like burning an encyclopaedia –

Listening to Stephen Hawking Reith Lecture and he said ‘It’s like burning an encyclopaedia – information is not lost if you keep all the smoke and ashes, but it is difficult to read…. ‘ Utterly Brilliant – #physics #stephenhawking #blackholesfreakmeout
Doodle oodles. #doodle #zendoodle #love

Stay out of the dark corners. #wip #penandink

For sale – make me an offer, or a swap. #sale / #swap #art #A5 #pencil #penandink #original #stillwarm #lisacatherwood

Weird what comes up. #drawing #carandache #abstract #wip #ideas #sunday

Learn to throw.

'Expand your optimism, it's cheap medicine. A3 pen and ink.' Finally finished – for sale in my big cartel shop.


Part of a sketch for a new painting #wip

Part of a sketch for a new painting
The blu moon the night rock on!

The blu moon the night rock on!
#wip #watercolour #ink

#wip #watercolour #ink
Bird in a tree.

Bird in a tree.
Starting to feel the noise…

Starting to feel the noise…
Love springtime :)

Love springtime :)
New studio, new paintings growing in my mind #wip #sketch #sketchbook

New studio, new paintings growing in my mind #wip #sketch #sketchbook
Busy christmas…with a pen.

Busy christmas…with a pen.
In the bend of the river

Designs on a mug

Those lovely folks @__society6 @society6 @society6art just sent me one of my designs on a mug – so chuffed with it, the reproduction is brilliant, colour is spot on and the quality is great! #society6