I had sent three pieces of work to the brilliant incognito.ie in Dublin – artists

A really exciting and slightly unconventional opportunity to buy art in Ireland next week. Check

Kingfisher Craft Gallery

Two of my latest wood burnings, some lovely moody watercolour and ink trees and two of my favourite Angel Feathers now for sale at the gorgeous Kingfisher Craft Gallery. It is a real delight to have my work alongside such illustrious company. Do pop down and take a look if you are in the area. […]
Fourth Annual Bangor Poetry Competition

In the continuing adventure in doing things that I’ve never done before I am delighted to have had a poem accepted for the fourth annual Bangor poetry competition – just wrote it out in my best handwriting and framed it for the exhibition. Wish me luck ? in case you can’t read the pic it […]
Exhibition – Art All Wrapped Up

Two pieces submitted for Exhibition at ‘All Wrapped Up’ exhibition at Lisburn Island Centre The exhibition will take place in the Community Arts Walkway at ISLAND Arts Centre opening 4th Dec 2015 until 22nd Jan 2016. Click on the images to see them larger, or see them at the exhibition :) [su_box title=”Drift dreaming” box_color=”#746f6f”] […]
The Curious Cat Cafe

Lovely art, fun and people at the curious cat cafe. Really we’ll attended – were gonna need a bigger gallery :-)
This wee tryptch called ‘Lords of the rainbow’ will be for sale in The Curious Cat Cafe in Bangor in a few weeks, I’ll keep you posted.

This wee tryptch called ‘Lords of the rainbow’ will be for sale in The Curious Cat Cafe in Bangor in a few weeks, I’ll keep you posted.
Living Local Exchange exhibition!

Delighted to say that 2 of my paintings have been selected for the Living Local Exchange exhibition! Currently n the Back Wall Gallery, Dundonald: 27th August – 5th September then moving to the
Community Arts Walkway, Lisburn: 11th September – 3rd October. Volcanic Sunset is far left in this pic. The other is one of the larger pyrography pieces. In the next pic.
Garden gallery again – need to do some more of this :-)

Garden gallery again – need to do some more of this :-)
Sunny sunshiny art.

Sunny sunshiny art.
More Art in the garden.

More Art in the garden.
Midsummer garden gallery picture.

Midsummer garden galley.
Midsummer garden gallery pictures.

Midsummer garden gallery pictures.
Midsummer Garden Gallery shaping up beautifully :-)

Midsummer Garden Gallery shaping up beautifully :-)
Some of the Midsummer Garden Gallery pictures

Poster for garden gallery

Starting to work out setup for the Midsummer Garden Gallery. it’s looking really good. Looking forward to seeing you in Killough on Sunday. The top two paintings are by @geralynmulqueen and the bottom two are by me.

Starting to work out setup for the Midsummer Garden Gallery. it’s looking really good. Looking forward to seeing you in Killough on Sunday. The top two paintings are by @geralynmulqueen and the bottom two are by me.
Exhibition of my work and the work of Artist Geralyn Mulqueen in a walled garden, in 6 The Square Killough 22nd June 2pm – 6pm and there’ll be Flamenco dancers too. very excited :-) All welcome :-)

Exhibition of my work and the work of Artist Geralyn Mulqueen in a walled garden, in 6 The Square Killough 22nd June 2pm – 6pm and there’ll be Flamenco dancers too. very excited :-) All welcome :-)
Set up done


Geralyn and Lisa have been friends for many years and always thought they would exhibit together. When Paul (of Castillo) offered them space and some of his fantastic food for the opening it was too good an opportunity to miss. Most of this work has not been exhibited before.